Common Autumn Injuries

Common Autumn Injuries
Autumn is an exciting time. It's the season of pumpkins, colorful leaves, and comfy sweaters. Unfortunately, the autumn season also leads to several injuries that individuals of all ages may face. The good news is there are several ways you can reduce your risk of developing these injuries and enjoy autumn to the fullest. Here's a closer look at the most common autumn injuries.
Strains and Sprains
The autumn is the ideal time to garden, rake leaves, and take care of your yard. While these activities may be relaxing, they involve repetitive movements such as lifting, twisting, and bending, which can strain or sprain your back. Believe it or not, hundreds of individuals visit the emergency room as a result of fall-related yard activities. To avoid strains and sprains, make sure you use high-quality tools and take frequent breaks.
Running Injuries
Since the weather is usually not too hot and not too cold, you may spend some time running outdoors in the autumn. Although running is a healthy hobby that can burn calories, build muscle, and help you maintain a healthy weight, it can lead to running injuries. Some of the most common running injuries include runner's knee, shin splints, achilles tendinitis, and stress fractures. To reduce their risk of them, warm up in advance, use proper form, and wear comfortable tennis shoes.
Car Accidents
While it's nice to go for a drive and take in the beauty of the fall weather, doing so can put you at risk for car accidents. This is mainly because of lower visibility caused by fog and the bright sun. Animals like deer and leaves may also pose a hazard, especially when they're wet. If you'd like to avoid car accidents in the autumn, drive slowly and pay complete attention to the road ahead of you. You should also scrape ice off your car and defog your windows before you get behind the wheel.
Slip and Fall Injuries
Slip and fall injuries arise frequently in the fall because of all the leaves that coat the ground. Not only do leaves make it a challenge to see what you're walking on, they often fill dents and holes. In addition, daylight savings time may cause the sunlight to impair your vision and make walking dangerous. To prevent slip and fall injuries, clear leaves, wear sunglasses, and make sure your exterior lights are in optimal condition.
Even though autumn injuries wreak havoc on your body, they are usually treatable through conservative measures. Rest, over-the-counter pain relievers, hot and cold therapy, and physical therapy are often very effective. If necessary, however, surgical intervention may be an option.