The degenerative disc is believed to be a natural process when we are getting older. The disc is the “cushion” between the bone and the surrounding by a capsule. This is probably the most common cause of back pain. When we are getting mature (as I hate to say we are getting older), the water content and chemical contents of the cushion are diminished, meaning that the disc is no longer “juicy” or “plumped” which is medically called “degenerative disc”. Without a “plumped” disc, the stress during our daily activities causing damage to the fibrous capsule surrounding the disc which leads to tearing of the ring of the disc called annular tear. In addition, the degenerative disc can progressively narrow. Degenerative disc disease occurs in approximately 85% of the population by the age of 55. Time, injury, or trauma can accelerate the process and make it become much worse.
Back pain could be because of a bone-on-bone situation when the disc is no longer function is a cushion. Associated symptoms could be radiating symptoms down the legs (sometimes called radiculopathy) due to foraminal stenosis or pinched nerve in the foramen which is the hole that the spinal nerve leaving the spine. The normal foramen is widening because of the normal disc height.
History taking, focused physical examination, and radiographic studies include XR, and MRI can be helpful in making diagnosis but more importantly whether the symptoms are correlated with those images as mentioned earlier about 85% of people who age more than 55 have a degenerative disc from the MRI.
Main treatments are non-surgical modalities including modified the lifestyle. Surgical outcomes for solely the symptoms of back pain are controversial. Surgical outcomes for a combination of back pain and nerve symptoms are excellent. Surgical options are either fusion or disc replacement depending on the condition of the facet joints. Generally speaking, disc replacement is not a good option for a patient who has facet arthritis.
Please contact us to find out the best treatment and options for degenerative disc and more importantly if you are a candidate for Microspine endoscopic surgery/fusion if you need surgery.